Sunday, November 18, 2012

Well, it happened! I crashed. No, not with my vehicle, but with my life. I was stressed to the max this past week. I guess I felt more like being caught up in a tree with no way to get down.
I love my family, my job, my new dog(yes, that's another story), and even my BGSU classes. However, everything just became too much at once. Every time I turned around, there was another deadline to meet. I couldn't get ahead, but was hoping to at least keep up. I finally realized that I'm not Wonder Woman.
Although, I wouldn't mind having a lasso of truth for my classroom. I needed a break. Today, before I wrote this blog, I went four-wheeling with my husband. I had rode on the back of his before, but I found myself just trying to hang on. He bought another one, only smaller ( yes, that's another story, too), and I rode it for the first time. I really enjoyed myself. It isn't the same feeling that I get when I ride my motorcycle, but it was fun nonetheless. So when you crash, find yourself up a tree, and realize you aren't that super hero you'd like to be, try riding a four-wheeler. It worked for me.

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