Thursday, September 27, 2012

Amelia Bedelia Trivia

OAA Blues

           I've got the OAA blues.
           My students don't want to see another test.
           They want to relax and just rest.

           Third grade is no fun.
           We just want to be done.
           We've got the OAA blues.

      What happened to making applesauce
       and doing experiments?
       Why aren't we making the books come alive?                
       Third grade is no fun.       
       We just want to be done.
       We've got the OAA blues.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

2nd Grade Diagnostic Screening Day

Today, my students came into a room that had desks scattered everywhere- spaced strategically to take their 2nd Grade Diagnostic Screening. They are filling out their planners with their homework assignments and getting breakfast in this picture. I use the whiteboard to  post their assignments every morning, as well as their morning reminders of what they are to do when they arrive. They arrive at 8:05, and move their clips to buying or packing, hand in assignments to the proper trays, get their breakfast, complete their planners, have me sign their planners and check if parents have signed them the night before, do their daily reading problem of the day, handwriting, spelling packet, and daily language. They also may SSR- silent, sustained, reading- if they finish early. We don't have handwriting and spelling packets every day, but I do try to keep them busy. At 8:30, we start reading - problem of the day, reading groups, seat work, and computer time.

We have a busy morning! Check out my created photo. How many differences can you spot?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Another Day

Friday, my students began sharing their insect reports. Some even brought in insects to share. We had a cricket, butterfly, and a banana spider. We had planned on letting them go during recess, but it rained. Luckily, we were able to give them their freedom right before school let out. The insects were the highlight of the day. Some asked if they could bring some more in next week. I guess I will continue to allow it as long as we are still sharing our reports.

I made it through the first half of the quarter. Interims went out Friday. My third graders didn't do to bad, either. I don't know what their parents will say or what grades they are used to seeing, but I wasn't surprised. The scores I saw reflected what they are actually doing.

I also was able to do 2 QRI's, Friday. Unfortunately, I have  to redo them because they scored frustrated at the levels tested. I was disappointed. However, I might have been surprised, too, had they scored instuctional or independent. I have 18 to do before the end of the month.

We are doing our second grade screening next week, too. There is no third grade screener. So the state wants us to use the second grade screener. We are doing an old OAA the following week. This will probably be a truer reflection on what the students can do. They will have to read the instructions for themselves. With the second grade screener, we read it to them. I will feel better when all of the assessing is finished this month.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A New Year

Third grade is a little more challenging this year. I have to assess my students before September 30th per the state. Last year, I only had 10 students. This year, I have eighteen. They seem to be a good bunch, have parental support, do their homework, and try hard. However, they are a chatty bunch. I am stressing myself out on implementing technology into our lessons. It is hard, but my students love doing it. My problem is mixing the traditional with the old. The state keeps changing the rules, and changes them as they go. How can one assess students with state screening measures if they haven't created them, yet for third grade? It is very frustrating.

On a lighter note, my class did their first graphic organizer on line using They loved it, and most have finished it. The report isn't where I want them to be, yet, but we'll get there.