Saturday, September 8, 2012

A New Year

Third grade is a little more challenging this year. I have to assess my students before September 30th per the state. Last year, I only had 10 students. This year, I have eighteen. They seem to be a good bunch, have parental support, do their homework, and try hard. However, they are a chatty bunch. I am stressing myself out on implementing technology into our lessons. It is hard, but my students love doing it. My problem is mixing the traditional with the old. The state keeps changing the rules, and changes them as they go. How can one assess students with state screening measures if they haven't created them, yet for third grade? It is very frustrating.

On a lighter note, my class did their first graphic organizer on line using They loved it, and most have finished it. The report isn't where I want them to be, yet, but we'll get there. 

1 comment:

  1. The beginning of the year is always fun yet stressful at the same time. So many assessments and tasks to complete in a short amount of time. I always feel better after I have a few weeks complete and the students have had the chance to get into a good routine. I definitely feel your frustration with the assessments. I also teach third grade and am definitely feeling the stress of trying to balance out all of the changes with the curriculum.
