Thursday, September 20, 2012

2nd Grade Diagnostic Screening Day

Today, my students came into a room that had desks scattered everywhere- spaced strategically to take their 2nd Grade Diagnostic Screening. They are filling out their planners with their homework assignments and getting breakfast in this picture. I use the whiteboard to  post their assignments every morning, as well as their morning reminders of what they are to do when they arrive. They arrive at 8:05, and move their clips to buying or packing, hand in assignments to the proper trays, get their breakfast, complete their planners, have me sign their planners and check if parents have signed them the night before, do their daily reading problem of the day, handwriting, spelling packet, and daily language. They also may SSR- silent, sustained, reading- if they finish early. We don't have handwriting and spelling packets every day, but I do try to keep them busy. At 8:30, we start reading - problem of the day, reading groups, seat work, and computer time.

We have a busy morning! Check out my created photo. How many differences can you spot?


  1. Love the picture! Looks like you made the picture black and white, color screen, pink dot border and heart in the corner.
