Thursday, October 4, 2012

Help, I'm Drowning!

I am so overwhelmed with paper work. I have papers to grade and papers to pass back to students. I assessed all of my students over the past two weeks, and must put their assessments on a reading and math report for the parents at parent/teacher conferences. I must get my binder ready and all of my data to share with the parents. I need to post all of their grades. My book bags, desks- at school and home- overfloweth. On the bright side, as long as I don't go under for the third time, I guess I can look at it as job security.


  1. Hi Pam,

    I can't agree more! When I started teaching in the spring for the first time, this was one of the hardest things for me to overcome. It seemed that as soon as I FINALLY finished grading, submitting and filing a big assessment, it was time for another. Oh, and on top of that was homework and classwork and quizzes... I hope everything gets done!


    1. Good luck! Grade cards are going out soon and then you have to make sure all of the grades are on the server. You'd think with everything going tech, we would have less paper work.

  2. I cannot agree with you more about drowning. I love the picture that you have added to go along with your post. I am drowning in IEPs, data collection, learning and implementing the new extended standards for my students, rearranging my schedule at school, tutoring, and finishing up my master's. I feel like at the beginning of the year many of us drown. Just think pretty soon it will be Thanksgiving break!

  3. This school in year in particular is flooded with paperwork! I can't believe how much time I now spend assessing my students. I teach kindergarten, assessing takes a lot of time and is often done 1 on 1. I like how you have used your blog for personal ideas, feelings, venting, concerning the profession of teaching.
