Saturday, October 20, 2012

I love to read. I have my favorite authors; some romance, but mostly mysteries. I have read science fiction type mysteries, humorous mysteries, and mysteries that make you think. I have also read other types of genres. I read a book that was fiction, but based upon one of the kings in the Bible. I have read poetry, biographies, but I really do love mysteries. I want my students to find that joy, too. This year's students seem to enjoy being read to, and I think they enjoy reading, too. My reading groups are broken up into three groups. I have one group meeting with me, one at the computers doing Read Naturally, and one sprawled out on the carpet reading from their baggie books. They must record the page they start and leave off on every day, as well as, the title of their book. When they finish reading their book, they write me a letter in their Reader's Notebook and tell me about their book, the genre, what they liked about their book, etc. I hope I am encouraging a love for reading. I am thinking about having them do something with the computer after they finish a book this quarter...perhaps a comic strip type book report, or maybe we could have a sit-in where we just discuss the book we are reading. Or perhaps they can write a blog and post it outside the room. I hope I am helping them to become lifelong readers, not readers who read to pass a test.

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